Warehouse closures

Our warehouse is closed on all regional and national holidays impacting the region it is in. Parcel carriers will not deliver on these days as well and we do not ship. Find all holidays impacting our warehouse below.

Date Name
2024-12-24 Heilig Abend
2024-12-25 1. Weihnachtstag
2024-12-26 2. Weihnachtstag
2024-12-31 Neujahr
2025-01-01 Neujahrstag
2025-01-06 Heilige Drei Könige
2025-04-18 Karfreitag
2025-04-21 Ostermontag
2025-05-01 Tag der Arbeit
2025-05-29 Christi Himmelfahrt
2025-06-09 Pfingstmontag
2025-06-19 Fronleichnam